What is energy healing?
During a healing treatment I will attune to Source of healing (universal energy), I will be a transmitter of that energy to you. Your body will utilise this energy in the perfect way, just as it utilises food to send the exact nutrients to where they are required. Healing energy in your own time will help your whole system to rebalance.
Can Healing help with Mental Health and Emotional issues?
Healing works on all levels of being – Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual. An issue or imbalance on any level, will impact the other levels, because all the levels are interconnected. Healing enables the whole living system to recalibrate itself, so it can return to a healthy state.
What’s the difference between Healing and Reiki?
The main differences are the training and approach. Healers learn how to attune directly with the source of healing, to allow energy to flow directly from source. Reiki Healers on the other hand, attune or are ‘initiated’ via their teacher, known as a ‘Reiki Master’, who installs various etheric symbols into their energy field through which the healing energy flows to the recipient. Healers who train through the Healing Trust go through a two-year training, and spiritual development programme in order to be registered. Following a code of conduct and regulations.